The Color of Life

T. R. Barraclough
5 min readNov 12, 2022


Pondering prose

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

It’s the essence of every human.
It’s rage and swollen eyes.
It’s the flush of lips and cheeks.
It’s accidental and intentional.
It’s the sweetness of strawberries in summer and crisp apples in autumn.
It’s a perfectly aged wine.
It’s capsaicin and acidity.
It’s embarrassing and alarming.
It’s passion and panic.

Photo by Grant McCurdy on Unsplash

It’s the leaves losing their lives every year.
It’s the last bit of brightness fading over the horizon.
It’s empty rinds in the place of silly smiles.
It’s a pumpkin-shaped bucket full of candy.
It’s the flame that dances in the fireplace on a cold night.
It’s an abundance of caution or a shroud of protection.
It’s outdoor festivals and spiced drinks.
It’s a fox skulking through the forest or a koi drifting across a pond.

Photo by Preston Pownell on Unsplash

It’s a zap of electricity or a bolt of energy.
It’s a lamp illuminating the way.
It’s the vitality of a sunny day and the jaundice of the skin.
It’s sour enough to make you pucker.
It’s a flower searching for its namesake.
It’s the top left corner of every child’s happy doodles.
It’s toes digging in sand and castles washed away.
It’s a row of fuzzy ducklings scurrying to keep up with their mother.
It’s a diligent bee and the product of its painstaking work.

Photo by Eduardo Gorghetto on Unsplash

It’s rolling down a soft grassy hill.
It’s turning over a new leaf.
It’s mint quelling nausea and aloe soothing burns.
It’s slippery moss on a river rock.
It’s wild ecosystems and meticulous gardens.
It’s inexperience and prosperity.
It’s envy and greed.
It’s the endurance of the alpine and the resurgence of undergrowth.
It’s essential nutrients and an all-consuming invader.

Photo by Lawrence Kayku on Unsplash

It’s social media that brings us together and tears us apart.
It’s innocence in the iris of a newborn.
It’s a clear sky in the day and the last shade before nightfall.
It’s a Morpho butterfly unfurling its wings for the first time.
It’s a genie in a lamp and Cinderella’s slipper.
It’s the egg safely harboring a baby robin.
It’s the scent of rain and saltwater mixing.
It’s a low-point and somber paintings.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

It’s crushed berries and tongues stained from artificial flavors.
It’s princely tunes and hazy lyrics.
It’s the soothing scent of lavender.
It’s a simple piece of quartz with the power to comfort.
It’s venomous spikes and stinging tentacles.
It’s the pomp and splendor of royalty.
It’s invisible radiation and the spark of magic.
It’s a glittering gaseous nebula.

Photo by Emilio Martín on Unsplash

It’s combustible rock and smudged soot.
It’s tear streaks and fierce looks.
It’s withered lungs and hardened hearts.
It’s the silence at night when the rest of the world sleeps.
It’s where the stars sing.
It’s rot and decay.
It’s ink and every story ever told.
It’s the deepest depths of the ocean and the loneliest corner of space.
It’s a cat with a stigma on its back.

Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash

It’s my mother’s beautiful curls.
It’s the rich, dark earth that sustains all.
It’s the old oak bookcase in the foyer.
It’s percolating coffee and brewing tea.
It’s the bark of the trees and the many creatures of the forest.
It’s a hot, buttery croissant and decadent chocolate.
It’s aged whiskey in a copper mug.
It’s a worn leather journal with sentimental value.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

It’s the turbulent winds whipped into thunderstorms and hurricanes.
It’s eraser smudges where you tried your best.
It’s the fog that makes you drive a little more carefully.
It’s the smog that disappears as you travel from city to countryside.
It’s a simple ring that represents love.
It’s innovative and industrial.
It’s a matter of the mind.
It’s the lining of a cloud.
It’s aging gracefully.

Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

It’s salt and sugar strewn about while cooking.
It’s blankets of snow and the quiet that follows.
It’s a beautiful bride on the happiest day of her life.
It’s an anxious rabbit in a wonderous land.
It’s tiny teeth chattering about every curiosity.
It’s the journey of light from long-gone heavenly bodies.
It’s the devastation of ash and smoke.
It’s protruding bone and a face drained of blood.
It’s a spirit left to wander.
It’s the only light left to follow in the end.

Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this fun exercise. This world is so vibrant and inspiring. What do you associate with each color? Food? A feeling? Maybe a memory. Tell me what you think.



T. R. Barraclough

Former Curator. Writing on fiction, disability, and whatever else comes to mind. Just a book dragon looking for more treasure to hoard.